
luke bullock

18 ☆ nyc

artist and filmmaker living in nyc. generally strange kind of guy. bug enthusiast. filthy transsexual. weird stoner art for weird stoner people.

if you're a fan of horror movies, extensive media analysis, david lynch, surrealist art, bones, sad clowns, vintage furtniture, 90s television, creepy americana, or the abstract expressionist movement, consider supporting my work!


essential viewing

aka media that runs my brain and my art. this is where i find myself falling back on when inspiration runs dry.

  • my spotify profile, in case you want some tunes

  • the films and art of david lynch, specifically mulholland dr, six men getting sick, and twin peaks. greatest living director and i will be taking no questions.

  • disco elysium brain go brrr i am obsessed with this game holy shit. rpg game that emotionally destroyed me. definitely the best written game i've ever played. (pirate this one and support the original creators if you can. za/um sucks ass. support writers and developers always.)

  • possibly in michigan beautiful visuals and really good for looking at framing and visual storytelling.

  • anything by mike flanagan, especially midnight mass. gimme some of that sweet, sweet catholic guilt.

  • the ENA series by joel g. weird and wonderful. great environment inspiration.

  • the x-files, obviously.

  • the work of junji ito, especially uzumaki, which is both genuinely terrifying, and gorgeous.

  • resident evil, esp RE7, which is a masterpiece.


supplies + links

because real artists don't gatekeep accessibility. (i only included the main/easiest to access link for each product, you can definitely find most of these cheaper somewhere else.)DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT SPONSERED BY ANY OF THESE PRODUCTS, ALL OPINIONS ARE MY OWN. (though if anyone would like to sponsor me, i would not be opposed...)

  • the moleskin art series sketchbook is possibly my favourite sketchbook i've ever used. (it's a little on the pricier side though, so if that's not for you, i also heavily recommend talen's art creation sketchbook which is a lot cheaper and comes in a bunch of fun colours

  • uniball signo pens are everything to me. I use them to get those nice, heavy lines. great for high contrast.

  • for pencils my favourite is the sakura sumo grip pencil in the size 0.7, with a 2b lead (my favourite is the pentel 2b lead)

  • any kneaded eraser at all (they're all the same to be honest)

  • for painting, i really prefer to paint on wood panel, since most pre-stretched canvases are usually pretty poor quality. it's honestly a great investment for both your art and your wallet to learn how to stretch your own canvases.

  • gamblin artist's oils are my personal favourite to work with. they're professional grade and the price definitely reflects that, so if you're starting out, I would recommend trying something cheaper first to see if you like it; blick's basic oils have always been pretty solid for beginners.

  • utrecht is an incredibly trusted brand for artists, and these oil brushes are some of my favourites.